Showing posts with label Australian Shepherd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australian Shepherd. Show all posts

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thinking of Splash

A request from Splash and Freckle's mom:
Keep Splash in your prayers. He has Lymphoma and with the breed he is, chemo is not an option. Splash will be 7 on Halloween. Freckles will be 4 on July 8th. Splash and Freckles are blood related, cousins. At my house, they are "brothers". I can say, "Freckles where is brother Splash?" and he will go look for him :) Luv them so....

My heart goes out to Splash's "paw-rents" and his brother Freckles. I will definitely keep your beautiful boy in my prayers. I only met him the one afternoon but he was so sweet and happy. I don't know what the options are for you but I will keep hope!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Splash and Freckles

If there is a dog running about and I have my camera... well, there are going to be photos! : )
Splash and Freckles live with Stargazer and Starlight, the two horses seen in the two previous posts. They are absolutely gorgeous Australian Shepherds with crazy thick fur and the sweetest personalities! I'm hoping their mom and dad let me come visit again and take more pictures of them out in their endless fields. I think we could get amazing shots!

This is Splash!

And Freckles!

And the two together... trying to get cool in the shade.

I actually saw two 8 week old Australian Shepherds at PetSmart the other day when I was picking up Professor, who now looks like a fluffy cotton ball. They were adorable and made me think of Splash and Freckles. These dogs are soooo pretty!