Sunday, November 2, 2008

Uni Says

Happy Howl-O-Ween!
I know she's a bit late... but she hopes you all had a wonderful one anyway!

Now I am off to worry myself sick about my client shoot this afternoon. Please don't rain, Mother Nature!!
I get so nervous when I have shoots... I hope that will eventually go away someday. I'm such a worrisome sort. I worry that I'll forget something. I worry that I won't get good shots. I worry that the dogs won't like the treats I bring so I bring several different ones.

Maybe I'll go have a slice of pumpkin bread that my sister-in-law baked for us. That might take my mind off things! : )


Heather said...

How did the shoot go?! :)

Anonymous said...

How was the shoot? I get nervous too. But maybe it gets better with practice.

Tracy said...

The shoot went really well! I'll do a quick post right now...
: )